Ukulele Sizes Guide 2025 at Island Bazaar Ukes Store Skip to content
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Ukulele Sizes Guide 2025| Island Bazaar Ukes Store - Island Bazaar Ukes

Ukulele Sizes Guide 2025| Island Bazaar Ukes Store

Check out this ukulele sizes guide.  Ukuleles come in different sizes, used to categorize the instruments in various types.

Size is a crucial factor when choosing your favorite ukulele made in Hawaii.

Understanding the right size for you makes it easy to make the right decision when placing your ukulele order on our website.

Typically, there are four main ukulele types, majorly differentiated by size, shape, and tuning. 

Ukulele Sizes

Depending on your needs, choosing the right ukulele size would significantly impact your overall musical experience. Here are the main ukulele sizes; 

  1. 53 cm long or 20 inches 

This is the standard size and the most popular ukulele, and probably this is the size that comes to your mind when you think of the Hawaii ukulele. One of the most used and popular types of the Hawaiian musical instrument, the soprano ukulele, measures 20 or 21 inches in length. 

  1. 58cm or 22/23 inches long 

Concert ukuleles fall in this category of Hawaiian instruments measuring 23 inches long. The sizes vary from 22 to 23 inches in length, depending on the brand. Some Hawaii craftsmen decided to make the instrument longer by an inch to differentiate concert ukuleles from soprano ukuleles. However, be keen when choosing your favorite size, one- or two-inches length difference could be confusing at times. 

  1. 66cm long or 26 inches

A majority of the ukuleles measuring 26 inches in length are under the Tenor ukuleles category. The ukuleles are longer than the standard Hawaiian-built Ukuleles. You can check the ideal size of these ukuleles on our website. These ukuleles are perfect for producing beautiful and powerful audio, just like the classical acoustic guitar. As a beginner, this could be a good ukulele for you; however, professionals play it better. 

  1. 76cm long or 30 inches in length 

This is the largest ukulele instrument in length and overall construction. The body is more profound and produces more resonate, fuller sound, and massive bass. For those used to playing guitar, this ukulele makes it easy for you as the size is almost similar to that of a standard guitar. Baritone ukuleles fall in this category. 

So, which is the best ukulele size for you?

Sometimes preferences and needs would influence the choice of ukulele size you will buy. However, depending on your level of expertise in playing the ukulele, you can choose any size. Some people are good at playing the standard ukulele size instrument like the soprano but find it challenging to play the baritone ukuleles. Thus, your best ukulele size will depend on your preference. Besides, all ukulele sizes are perfect for both beginners and professional players. If you’re good at playing the standard guitar, it may be easier for you to make the transition to playing ukuleles though you may need some training. 

In summary, once you understand different ukulele sizes, now you have to choose the best size for you. Please do some research online for a better understanding, then place your order on our website. At Island Bazaar Ukes, we have all sizes of Hawaiian-built Ukuleles. We also make timely deliveries across the country and globe. 

 Colorful Island Bazaar Ukuleles logo with tropical elements for Ukulele Sizes Guide.




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