island bazaar ukes
Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard Explanation Video
If you've ever asked yourself, "Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard?" this video will help you learn.
How ʻUkulele Neck Material Affects Tone by Kanilea Ukuleles
Here's a educational article about How ʻUkulele Neck Material Affects Tone by Kanilea Ukuleles
Players often put a lo...
Kanilea Ukulele Comparison between ISL, HNS and KPA Models
Check out this fantastic video titled, "Kanilea Ukulele Comparison between ISL, HNS and KPA Models"
Kaimana Souza, el...
Kolohe Hawaiian Ukulele Club - Island Bazaar Ukuleles
Kolohe Hawaiian Ukulele Club, formed in 2000 practices twice a month at The Island Bazaar. This club is the perfect c...
Reasons a Quality Ukulele Is Better for Beginners and Professionals
Here are the reasons a quality ukulele is better for beginners and professionals alike.
Top musicians recommend buyin...
5 Ways We Put Customers Interests First at Island Bazaar Ukes
Here at Island Bazaar Ukes, we’re changing that narrative by putting YOUR satisfaction first. We understand that you face all these obstacles…