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Transforming Koa Wood into Kanileʻa Ukuleles - Island Bazaar Ukes

Oct 8, 2022

Transforming Koa Wood into Kanileʻa Ukuleles

Here's a great article about Selecting Wood for Building a Ukulele by Master Luthier Joe Sousa So how does a flat pie...
How ʻUkulele Neck Material Affects Tone by Kanilea Ukuleles - Island Bazaar Ukes

Oct 8, 2022

How ʻUkulele Neck Material Affects Tone by Kanilea Ukuleles

Here's a educational article about How ʻUkulele Neck Material Affects Tone by Kanilea Ukuleles Players often put a lo...
Kanileʻa KSR vs DK Ukulele: Features, Differences, and Benefits - Island Bazaar Ukes

Oct 1, 2022

Kanileʻa KSR vs DK Ukulele: Features, Differences, and Benefits

Kaimana Souza presents DK vs. KSR Kanileʻa Ukulele Model Comparison Kaimana Souza explains what they are and compares...
Kanilea Ukulele Model Comparison Willie K vs. Aldrine vs. Diamond - Island Bazaar Ukes

Sep 26, 2022

Kanilea Ukulele Model Comparison Willie K vs. Aldrine vs. Diamond

Check out this video of Kanilea Ukulele Model Comparison Willie K vs. Aldrine vs. Diamond This is our Pro Series line...
Kanilea Ukulele Comparison between ISL, HNS and KPA Models - Island Bazaar Ukes

Sep 26, 2022

Kanilea Ukulele Comparison between ISL, HNS and KPA Models

Check out this fantastic video titled, "Kanilea Ukulele Comparison between ISL, HNS and KPA Models" Kaimana Souza, el...
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