Flat vs Radius Fingerboard: Which is Right for You? Skip to content
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Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard Explanation Video - Island Bazaar Ukes

Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard Explanation Video

If you've ever asked yourself, "Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard?" this video will help you learn.

Master Luthier Joe Souza from Kanile'a Ukulele shares his expertise on this very cool feature.

Kanileʻa Ukulele explains the difference between flat and radius fingerboards, helping players decide which suits their playing style. Flat fingerboards are traditional and work well for basic chords, while radius fingerboards feature a curved design that aligns with the natural shape of the fingers, making bar chords easier to play. A radius fingerboard can improve playability, especially for players who frequently use bar chords or intricate techniques. Kanileʻa offers the option to add a radius fingerboard to any of their ukulele models, allowing customization to fit individual preferences. The decision ultimately depends on personal playing style and comfort.

Ukulele Radiused Fingerboard vs Flat Fretboard Explanation Video


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  • I am interested in a Kanile’a. Thank you!

    Kate Banks

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